Pretty cool, mostly into just the neat physics puzzles, fun vehicle stuff, and good open-world design, but nearly everything else (including combat, writing, art direction, art quality, animation quality, UI/UX quality, traversal mechanics, mounts, and crafting mechanics) is less refined and less engaging than other major modern action-adventure games. A far from flawless game, I still deeply dislike the terrible menu systems, tedious cooking mechanics, and combat controls from the year 1999 where your character doesn't even move when they attack. Why are apples and mushrooms in the "fuse items to arrows" menu? It's not actually funny enough to justify getting in the way of good combat.

I can't imagine I'll care enough about the game to write a full review when I'm done (whether that's from getting burned out on traipsing around or actually forcing myself to do the critical path to completion). I am not saying it's a bad game, it just doesn't land much for me, and the overwhelmingly positive response to something that still feels this clunky and dated honestly feels weird at this point (I know it's actually because of the safe and universally appealing simple design sentiments that risk so little that the game alienates no one). This is hardly better than any other major AAA action-adventure game, merely equally good at best (and everything is really clinging by a strand of glue to the physics-building mechanics to keep up).

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
