1 review liked by isbes

Creating my zoo was an absolute joy. The endorphins that flowed through me as I watched a sea of people criticize my ticket prices was heavenly. They had a lot to say but they kept coming back to see my penguins. Even when the influencer met their end in the hippo pit, they couldn't get enough. The rabbits were over flowing , people we're shocked peacocks die of old age, and my balloons were selling like hotcakes. And none were the wiser of the mysterious island that hosted unimaginable abominations. The likes that we're never meant to be seen... without a high price. At least that's what the headcanon was. If that was a mechanic I would have utilized it.

But yes, I enjoyed myself with this simulator. There we're some stressful times. You definitely need more zookeepers than you initially think. Like a lot more. And by the time you come to realize that, it's too late. Every chicken is just a pile of mush and you build 8 furnaces to get rid of them. The brightside is with that pen empty I had to the perfect spot for some turkeys.

The breeding was the most dangerous element of this game. 10 variants to obtain for each animal. Some being more diverse than others but all I knew was I would get ever kind of monkey. And I did. And then I immediately released all the kinds I didn't want and kept the funny looking one with the big nose. Once this goal was accomplished I would move on to the donkeys. Once I got the last variant from the nursery, I would just keep going to the next animal and the next. It seemed like a never ending cycle. Of course til I got bored and redid my snow-zone but I knew I would be back to see which capybara was the cutest.

What I considered to be the biggest letdown was the customization. I used all that was given to me and I still felt like I was given some very basic decorations with no variants to really theme out my areas. I feel I was given set biomes and had to work with that rather than truly given freedom to create the chaos I truly wanted while be aesthetically pleasing.

The morality was also a mechanic I never got on with. I felt no need to give in to negative morality. The benefits of positive morality seem worthwhile and I could not be convinced to give in to black market sellers, no matter how many ostriches they had.

Overall I found this to be a game where the possibilities seem endless but the limitations are real and they make perfect sense. I enjoyed the game for what it offered and didn't try to harp on it for what it did not... Okay, yes I wanted some free roaming animals. Flamingos just walk all over in some zoos... and wouldn't it be a shame if I miss clicked and accidently released a lion near the hotdog stand? That building is a lion! It's fits thematically.

here's my zoo: