1 review liked by itsEmilyJ

"5 stars? Are you being ironic?"

No, I'm not, this game put me in a trancelike state for 9.7 hours according to Steam. And that was just my first session, I still need to finish it.

If you see the title of this game and think "wow that sounds cathartic" then you should just get this without thinking about it.

Everything's covered in grime, and only you and your pressure washer have what it takes to clean up these streets. The ultimate power fantasy. Put on a podcast you've been meaning to catch up on, and just go to town.

EDIT: i gave it that extra half-star, this is a near-flawless experience. i have dozens of hours in it and i still haven't reached the end of what's in this game so far. this legitimately might end up as my game of the year.