3 reviews liked by itsprettygood

If you had told me Bloober team made this, I would have believed you. I just have no more patience for the first person, walking sim, run away from any threat horror games ignoring the fumbling of the writing and content warning that ruined any atmosphere for the next 5 minutes after they appeared. The game looks fine visually, the monster design I'd put on the lower end of "good" for the series and getting Yamaoka back for the music are the good things I can say about it

absolutely awful and the chases are bugged as hell. i won’t finish this game and i wouldn’t even say it’s worth it to do so because the story is just as bad as the walking sim bullshit they pull. genuinely sick of these types of games and i now understand why people dislike this so much

In no way do I feel well-spoken or intelligent enough to add anything of value to the meta-narrative and events of this game, but all I'll say is you need to play this game. It's an insane undertaking that entirely pays off, I genuinely haven't been this enamoured by a game in a long, LONG time.

Initiation 4 alone makes this game a 10/10

I will end this with a bit of a warning though, as I have a decently powerful PC but had so much trouble with audio stuttering and frame drops, so if possible I'd avoid playing on PC for a perfect experience.