story in this game was great.
gameplaywise its a bit clunky but much better then AC 1
characters are really memorable.
sometimes in cutscenes when scenes are switching it feels a bit unnatural.
overall very good game with some small gameplay issues.
haven't played brotherhood yet but i hope it will be better then this one :)

perfect game.
story was unbelievably good.
i never experienced such a good story in movie or videogame before.
also how can i forgot the world.
on my way to almost every mission i found something intressting.
honor system is great as well.
epiloge is one underrated part of game, i personally think it was amazing.
arthur is such a well writen character and following him trough the story fells incredible.
unlike the most other people i actually didn't hate chapter 1.

i don't really think i need to explain a lot.
this game is so big and so much fun.
survival mode is always fun to come back to.
creative and multyplayer are for me best things in minecarft.
as this game couldn't get any better mods for it are fire.
the amount of creativity and fun with friends or even alone in this game you can have is huge.

this lego game itself is kinda basic but also this is lego game of course it will be fun.
main mode was pretty cool with some pretty fun levels.
it was a bit lazy since its just a movie that you play but to be real this doesn't effect gameplay at all.

opening scene and hub in these game are full of soul and are so well done.
levels are so well design all tough there isn't much cool power ups like in other mario games.
constantly shaking wii remote can be a bit annoying but it doesn't really effect gamepaly.
for 2007 game graphics are unbelievably good.
this game have so much charm and love put into it that it make it feel so good.
and my favorite thing about this game may actually be atmosfere itself.

basic game
first are second world are kinda memorable BC they are showing mechanics off
a lot of world are forgottable BC of not to interesting level design in later worlds.
some good worlds are electric bomb world, gold egg and that trence and hall only world.
this game also have very good music and sound effetcs

very underrated AC game.
some people find start of game boring but i liked it.
combat in this game is sooooo good.
connor is kinda bad protagonist but also overhated.
campaing is awsome with good story and characters.
campaing is also great gameplaywise.
world in this game is also very good

when i was first to play this game, i expected quite a lot BC
i loved first uncharted in theory but gameplaywise it had a lot of flows.
but this game did not disapoint me.
this game could be so much better if it had multyplayer or some kind of side content, that is BC i enjoyed campaing so much
also i think that this game have realy unenjoyable platinum trophy.
overall great game that for me suffers becuse of its length and lack of a side content

this game was suprisingly good, it's pretty fun and can be really tough.
story is nothing special but it gets its job done.
side content and multyplayer are also a lot of fun

even tough this is my top 3 favorite games it is not perfect.
everything about this game is so awsome, story, characters, mechanics, world.
but one big flow is how many fricking tale missions are in the game, usualy they are pretty bad in AC games but there is so many in this game that its realy too much

a big open world survival game with dinosaurs, goofy multyplayer and ton of content!!??
sign me!!
one quite a flow are bugs

nobody would belive me how much i love this game

super generic
only interesting thing about this game are Finland world and new teleport red

one of best picks for survival game
begining migh turn some people off but i wasn't one of them.
from start to finish i was so excited to see what is waiting for me in the deep ocean of subanutica, of course scared but stil excited.
every biome and creature in this game fits the worl and atmospfere of game so well.
story is also very good.