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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 12, 2024

Platforms Played


Gonna save time and go straight out of the gate by saying that this is probably the worst-feeling FPS I've ever played. Not all of it is the game's fault given that it's a pre-dualshock console FPS, but a lot of it comes across as sloppy and amateurish even by the standards of the era.

No feedback/recoil on fall damage (you walk off the side of a ledge, teleport onto the floor and suddenly you're down x health), non-hitscan bullets that travel at about the speed of a brisk jog, diabolical aiming (your bullets travel over the heads of facehuggers and one second later they keel over dead. wat), no enemy infighting despite the fact that there is no reason for the aliens to not go after the Weyland goons, enemies getting mercy invincibility which negates the strength of your rapid-fire weapons... every single element just coalesces perfectly into some of the worst game-feel I've experienced in recent memory.

I fumbled around through twelve levels of flaccid gunplay and dimly-lit joylessly-designed maps, and finally came up against the alien queen! And I very quickly realized that thanks to being a large target with a rather slow 'getting hit' animation, I was able to stunlock her in that animation and won the fight without taking any damage. What an anticlimactic final bo... wait, there's more levels? I pulled up a guide, found out I was only a third of the way through, and closed the game.

I'm somewhat OCD about trying to experience as much of a game as possible (even if I'm not vibing with it) in order to give it a fair shot, but I think I can safely wave the white flag here and be reasonably sure I'm not missing out on much.