(I'd screwed around with this when I was a lot younger and obviously didn't get very far, so I decided to try playing with savestates just to see a bit more of the game.)

One very common post on the whowouldwin reddit is some variant of "regular guy with infinite savestates vs prime Mike Tyson" or "MMA fighter with infinite savestates vs silverback gorilla". I used to think that surely with infinite savestates all you would have to do is keep reloading until you get a lucky shot or your opponent injured themselves by a fluke, but now I know that faced with odds that long, you're more likely to eventually give up and let yourself die.

Thus ends my journey with Ghosts n Goblins; the game looks good for its time, the designs have lots of personality, and the idea of spending most of your playtime running around in your boxers is a funny touch. But it's so difficult, and not in a well-designed way, that even though I'm a compulsive completer of games, I think in this case I'm okay with just letting the silverback gorilla win.

Reviewed on Jul 12, 2021
