Where the original game was played mostly in samey-looking claustrophobic corridors, this added a whole lot of variety in both stage structure as well as mission objectives; this was both good and bad. One minus-point is that the controls didn't evolve enough from the first game to reflect some of the new situations you'd find yourself in, and so I routinely found myself pressing the lock-on button and then turning my back on the FIVE TANKS advancing on me showering me with deadly bullet in order to lock onto one single turret chilling behind me. The very existence of That One Dungeon left enough of a bad taste for me to rank this one slightly below the original in terms of my enjoyment of it.

But in general this was a more than worthy sequel to the first game made with more of the same charm and personality. Some boss battles were really nail-biters (particularly the final boss) but nothing felt overly unfair or frustrating. The voice acting still holds up. I only wish the teased third installment didn't get canned.

Also, I ship Volnutt and Tron (Voltron?) Dont @ me

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2020
