This game could have implemented a bunch of slightly different mechanics/quality of life adjustments OR, to get it all in one shot, simply let me save whenever I wanted and I would have given it five stars. The biggest thing I can say is that this game was marketed to me as an RPG, but its gameplay is far more in the realm of what I'd call "social puzzles". Considering "trying to calculate the Optimal Thing to Say to prevent bad things from happening" is my least favorite part of having conversations in real life, I found it frustrating and disappointing. The limited number of item slots, battle style requiring both puzzle logic AND fast reflexes, inability to level up and increase your health on a Pacifist or Pacifist-leaning Neutral route and infrequent save points made the gameplay feel irritating and punishing.

As for the story... I don't know, it didn't do it for me the way it worked for other people. I thought it was interesting and intriguing while I was playing. I loved Papyrus and Undyne. But I genuinely haven't thought about the game once since finishing, to the point where I haven't gone back and watched the playthroughs of other routes like I originally intended. I'd have to go back and watch a No Mercy Route, but I tentatively don't even agree with the way it deals with its morality system.

This is a game I enjoyed for its story, not its gameplay, and... I need my games to have both, so three stars from me. If a blend of social puzzles and bullet hell combat sounds fun to you, give Undertale a shot! If it's not, it's worth watching a walkthrough if the story interests you, but I wouldn't bother playing the game.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2022
