There is nothing that I can say that really does justice to this masterpiece of a game. It is so deeply embedded in the idea of personal experience that anything that I try to pass off as objective would be doing the whole game’s meaning a disservice. I could say that the game refocuses the core gameplay back on the stealth aspect of the series from where Metal Gear Solid 1 took a more set piece focused structure; I could say that the game finally justifies itself being in 3D with how it very effectively utilizes verticality and its first person perspective; I could say how I think Kojima’s writing style really matures in this one, compared to the more blunt and in your face style that the prior games had, here being much more subtle and intricate while still holding on to that grandiose nature; and I could say that MGS2 is one of the most unique experiences I have ever had in this medium. But the entire game is built on the premise of building your own memories, and creating your own conclusions, so I feel a bit out of place in trying to chronicle my experience rather than just keeping my experience to myself. So, with that, I think I'm just going to leave this as a cop out review and let my thoughts about this game settle for a while, because there is truly a lot to digest. Though, I think that is probably the only objective thing I can say about Metal Gear Solid 2; that no matter who you are, you will undoubtedly find something deeply meaningful in this game, one way or the other.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
