The first 80% of the game is a truly impressive experience, while the last 20% seems like they had a week to wrap the game up. At the end of the game, the main character learns the most ultimatest evil-destroying move in a span of 20 seconds, and you're sent off to defeat the ultimate evil. There was no real trial, no obstacle to overcome, no training period, nothing that actually would make sense. It just kinda happens. And then you can go end the video game if you want to.

Dragon Quest games are always about the chosen hero having to defeat dark death evil magicians or evil dragon lords, which is a big pill to swallow. It takes a lot of effort every time I play one of these games to just not shut it off out of pure contempt for the story telling.

I have yet to play DQ7, but this game honestly feels like the best Dragon Quest has ever been, and it still came up short.

All that being said, I'd still recommend it for JRPG fans. I think the progression system and combat system are very enjoyable, the story is interesting, and I actually liked a few of the characters in the title.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2023
