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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 13, 2022

Platforms Played


Having played the excellent remaster of the cult favourite survival horror actioner last year, I was intrigued to check out this divisive semi-sequel/spin-off. What immediately captivated me was the Twilight Zone inspired presentation and immersive, quirky and eerie isolated tone of the game. The graphics are still solid and the grindhouse-cinematic aesthetic and performance of the game is bolstered on the Series X. The third person shooting gameplay is very solid and surprisingly I found the dodge mechanic far more responsive and effective here than on the remaster. The time loop structure admittedly can be the subject of repetition (especially as the game never proves to be outright challenging playing on Normal difficulty) and even though the short playtime means that it never get's dull, you do wish that there was just more to it overall in terms of story substance and variety. Still certainly worth checking out for fans of Wake and to build up excitement for the direct sequel.