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2 days

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May 2, 2024

First played

May 1, 2024

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Episode Ignis is so insane and so very worthwhile. It is very unfortunate how some of Final Fantasy XV's content is locked behind paid DLC and hours of investment, but if you're willing to pay the price, then strap in and give it a shot. Ignis is fun to play as, first and foremost. I struggle to decide between him and Gladio in terms of who I think is the most interesting mechanically but regardless I enjoyed my time as him. Episode Ignis has ever so slightly more of a structure than that of Gladio or Prompto, so it has more standard boss fights and they're all fun. The setting and atmosphere are great and the music is maybe even better. The writing is the real highlight, though. Not only is Ravus finally a character- and an incredibly interesting one at that, for as little screen time as he gets- but the delve into Ingis's character is FASCINATING. It's so, so good. I went in liking him but thinking very little of him, and now I would go as far to say that he's my favorite character in the game.

Okay, so that alternate ending. Quite honestly, I think that everything up until literally the last chunk post-boss is so cool and so, so very good for Ignis's character that I believe its existence is justified. The rest of it is baffling and as non-committal as the rest of FFXV, but it's not canon, so who cares? For me, it only serves to explore Ignis's relationship to Noctis through the lens of his job as opposed to through the lens of their friendship, and I think that's fascinating. No matter the motivation, Ignis will be Ignis in any timeline, and that's crazy. What a wild route. It's super fun, too.

It feels so strange to rate Episode Ignis higher than the base game, but I truly do believe it to be the best FFXV has to offer. If you happen to care even moderately about the story of FFXV, then I can't recommend this enough. If you aren't, then I would suggest at least looking into it. I know for a fact that, of all the various works and material related to the game including itself, this is what I'll be thinking back on the most.