i do have to say im a big hater of "this game is like x combined with y" types of comparisons but i guess thats like the whole point of this game. it grows on you after a while though. once i was able to turn my brain off of the "did you get it. did you see the reference to the other quirky game" bits i did really like this game though, i think the gameplay being so simple (and a bit boring at first) then pulling a bait and switch like that was super pleasing :]

the story feels like the result of somebody first acid trip where they realize other people are alive and have their own complex lives and they gathered the urge to prsent this idea in a videogame and dont get me wrong its always very fun to explore but also eh ive done drugs too. incredible music and visuals though they really keep you hooked and itching to the next battle to see what weird shit theyre throwing at you next

Reviewed on May 27, 2023
