Is it the worst Dragon Age game to date? Probably.
Is it the sexiest Dragon Age game to date? Absolutely.

My introduction to the DA series, I bought this game off origin due to it being on sale (originally, together with ME: Andromeda- a bad game that unfortunately lacks the sexiness that permeates every pixel of DA2).

I completed nearly every side quest thrown my way and I did so with absolute glee. This game is ugly and dull but it's /Dragon Age/ in a way that Inquisition will never be to me. Is part of it nostalgia? Oh for sure- most of it, probably. But I genuinely came to love the companions in a way I never did in Inquisition and Hawke is hands down the best protagonist in any Dragon Age game. I usually jump on the opportunity to customize characters and create a unique story for them, but in this game I couldn't bring myself to play anything but the standard male Hawke. Instead of being the standard blank canvas, he felt like an actual realized character- and I personally enjoyed that (though I understand while some did not like how "predetermined" Hawke was in comparison to the HoF or the Inquisitor).

Oh and #TeamAnders for life btw

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2021
