wowwwee this is shit.

played it co op (which likely did not help with the unstable frame rate, glitches etc) on the shittiest JVC crt tv from 2001, resolution was so piss poor you could barely make anything out. can see what they were going for & may pick up again in the future out of genuine curiosity, but for now this is easily one of the jankiest things i've ever played in my life. it's obviously unfinished, i couldn't imagine the shock of paying full price for this in pre-obamacare america, not only throwing 60 biggins down the shitter for this in conjunction with paying full price (in 2007 recession shekels) for the artery and bong hit transplant you'll need after the brain bleeding this will inevitably imbue.

me & my buddy played blops 1 zombies after, allowing us to fully recover from the psychic and physiological damage this game would've caused us permanently had kino der toten not existed.
but just imagine playing this in a pre BLOPS/pre Obama world - it's why i don't have the compassion to give this 2 stars. they say that america's ''counter terrorist (sic) war'' on the middle east, was possibly the greatest tragedy to emerge in bush's america - but i think that this game is by far, the most eminent demonstration of the U.S's sociopolitical, economic erosion in the mid 2000s. maybe if there was a scene where kane & lynch sexually interfaced with each other - then perhaps, this could be redeemed. but until that day comes - i will hex the assholes of all the eidos interactive staff for releasing this abomination in a time before call of duty became good & the industry standard became releasing your unfinished games & then releasing a 20 GB patch a month later.