Playing Roblox today as someone who played a decade ago feels like speaking to a grandparent with alzheimer's. It's technically them, but you still miss them.

My friend introduced me to Roblox in fifth grade, 2011. It was neat to see all these make-shift games made by whoever. I've definitely spent hundreds of hours throughout my tween years doing basically nothing, and it was great.
Seeing what Roblox has turned into just makes me sad. It's so corporate. Games are made by giant organized teams, it's just not the same how I remember it (I think kids today would call me a boomer even though I'm in my early 20s).
There's also a weird stock market thing for virtual items? Considering Roblox is aimed entirely at a child demographic, this feels incredibly shady in a way that Steam market and even fucking NFTs don't (I'm not endorsing NFTs at all but at least they're exploiting adults instead of children).

To me, Roblox shut down around 2015, give or take a year.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Definitely 2017 imo. The rebrand marked a huge change imo.