2 reviews liked by jinickel

I’m more than sure that half the people that have reviewed this game either haven’t played it or didn’t even give themselves a chance to like it due to allowing the negative reviews to impact their judgement...

The story was awesome, the Suicide Squad themselves were hilarious and likable, the combat was nothing special but it was fine, the traversal system was incredibly well done for all 4 members and worked perfectly around Metropolis no matter who you were using, the side content was a bit repetitive but overall fun and filled with Easter Eggs and seeing the Justice League (especially Green Lantern) finally make their appearances in this world was so dope! Watching almost all of them go rogue was pretty intense, especially Batman and Superman!

This game isn’t perfect at all or even close to it. While it may not deliver a great live service experience, It definitely delivers a dope story and if you’re a fan of the Rocksteady universe or DC in general, give it a go and make your own opinion here!

Overall I had a good time with it. If you like really fast and frenetic third person combat you will get a kick out of it. The combat reminds me of Doom 2016 as you are encouraged to be on the move and aggressive, then there is the aspect of picking up different types of ammo/health/shield depending on how you kill the enemy. It’s got a great script and I enjoyed the story, particularly the second half. For me it was let down by the repetitive mission design but the fun of the gameplay was enough for me to get past that. I was also slightly let down by the lack of creativity with collecting the riddler trophies compared to the arkham games but that’s a minor nitpick as I know most people didn’t go for all of them in the arkham games anyway. The world was also a disappointment, it didn't feel as rich as those Arkham games and felt rather empty. I am looking forward to going back for season one because the gameplay really was that fun for me.