Not finished it yet but it’s leaps and bounds above Remedy’s previous three games. Sam Lake’s insistence on having worlds bloated with the most gratingly “funny” characters continues to be his most glaring Achilles Heel as a director.
Tone and overall ambience is superb as of the halfway mark. It feels as though it’s perhaps their easiest work to get swept up in the feeling of, but it’s just as easy to get pulled back to groan-ville when they ratchet the poor Twin Peaks imitation up to 11.
Also Saga Anderson is the most insane character of any video game since perhaps the protagonist of Bioshock. Dudes that felt seen in the representation of a guy who will eat chips from a literal trash can may also find themselves in the woman who pets and speaks to every single deer head mounted on a damn wall.

Post ending edit:
Good game. Probably the best thing Remedy have done since MP. I think the game is at its weakest when they give you too much slack on the reigns and you end up aimlessly wandering around looking for collectible boxes. Alan’s story doesn’t suffer from this too much thankfully but a lot of the explorable areas as Saga feel a bit like padding. The final act of the game feels really focused by comparison.
Also in the year that gave us RE4 Remake, and three years on from TLOU Part 2 the combat in this just doesn’t feel up to snuff frankly. I’m sure it’s down to the budget or whatever but there’s a clear bar set for survival horror/third person action games and this sadly doesn’t clear it.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023
