Update 03/01/2024:
Still having fun with it but there’s definitely a shortage of content here. The unlocks feel a bit quick to acquire and it renders most future rewards meaningless.
All that said, it still feels like the most fun you can have with a group of friends online right now.

After about a week, it’s simply one of the best available co-op games in recent memory.
Moment to moment gameplay is incredibly fun. They’ve managed to rend mistakes a sense of accidental achievement in a way that I’m not sure I’ve seen before.
Seeing a giant enemy bearing down on your buddy, shooting a rocket at the enemy to slow them down only to catapult your ally away on life support but getting them out of the fire in a backwards kind of way. It’s hysterical but also kind of magical.

Some performance/network issues hold it back from being absolutely top notch. When a mission can take upwards of 40 mins and the hosts game crashes at the 35 min mark, it’s not ideal!
Also - while this shouldn’t have to be noteworthy, the monetization in the game is actually fairly non intrusive. After just a few days of playing I was able to earn enough of the premium currency to get the paid battlepass equivalent. Not ideal for any game to have microtransactions but at least here it doesn’t feel abjectly evil.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2024
