The "big twist" that you'll likely run into the first playthrough is decidedly unsubtle, but your next playthroughs are where the substance really is in this experience. It is a short story, but the ability to experience it in game form and say "no, what if things were different" is where it shines.

Once I started exploring subsequent playthroughs and tried to get the best ending I found myself relating a lot to some characters (and very little to some others). I think I'm a tad fonder of the experience because I'm able to relate, and it's personal enough that I can't really say how that would differ if this experience is totally alien to you. I also think the game's quality suffers a bit due to its brevity, as getting the most common ending and seeing that you "missed messages" makes it extremely obvious where those missed messages were. I also think there's potential for some people to be put off by the very quirky dialogue, but the game is free and short, so it's worth a shot.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2020
