if i were to touch a starman, what would it feel like? Would it be rubbery? liquidy? like jello? does it have bones? are its hands forever stuck to its hips? is the starman in constant pain? are the starmen just slaves to giygas and we are actually freeing them from their prison? are they really evil? are we really the bad guys? (no) are starmen intelligent life? are they dumb but still know psi? do they do their jobs because they get paid to do so? do starmen have elected officials which is why some have armor and some dont? is there political discourse between starmen, where the ones in the stonehenge base support giygas while the ones in onett dont? do starmen die naturally? do they eat? can they eat? do they poo? is there a starman pp? are starmen actually just different versions of the same undertale character? are starmen aware of different realities? do starmen know about lucas in mother 3 but refuse to fuck with him because theyve learned their lesson twice? why are they loyal to giygas? did giygas blackmail all these starmens families? do they have families? WHATS THE DEAL MAN

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2020
