I love how Popola screams "it's too late to stop now" in her final battle, after all the violence and pain that everyone has created with their self-righteousness, forming a never-ending cycle of revenge. And how, in the D ending, Kaine can finally breathe next to Yonah, their time to live after being caught in all of this mess... Even if many of the game's moments didn't hit me as emotionally as it was supposed to...

A game I prefer to think about rather than play. Maybe because the message was already honed down from the first route, so repeating almost the same bits three times for the same events, almost no shifted perspective and the changing ending being (obviously) at the very end... It's a bit too much.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2022


1 year ago

The last paragraph sums up my thoughts about Nier perfectly, the message is repeated through all the routes so much that at the end I can't help but yearn for some subtlety or for the game to tell me something else

1 year ago

@mutyumu Right! Drakengard 1 and 3 were also keen on repetition, but those two were able to shift their stories and narratives in bold ways. Maybe this Nier wasn't as brave...