I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from Ink when I grabbed it. It was clearly a platformer but had a minimalism look of Thomas Was Alone and a level discovery aspect similar to The Unfinished Swan. I’m glad that I gave it a shot though because it was both fun and challenging while still looking amazing and feeling different from other platformers.

Ink includes 75 levels for players to leap and dodge through with differing clear conditions. Before the goal will show a rainbow allowing the exit, there can be a number of things to accomplish. Keys may need to be collected. A boss may need to be defeated. Simply reaching the end. Hopping on all the “enemy” squares. Each level is something different to try and achieve, and with how this game plays, it’s never dull.

Each level typically starts in the darkness outside of the main controllable square. The square is essentially a paint-filled sponge. The ground it touches will change colors as it moves which is good since that’s the way you are able to locate the platforms. Leaping in the air and doing a double jump causes the square to explode causing blots of color to fly off and paint the surroundings. So what was once pure darkness now may have outlines of where platformers or level ending spikes lay. It’s not uncommon to die as you try and paint an entire level to see the layout. However, with the quick respawn and the ink remaining even after death, the game becomes more manageable with every resurrection.

As much fun as I had though playing Ink, there was something off about the jumping I just couldn’t like. There is a floatiness to the jumps where landing on the platform would become frustrating. I would often overshoot platforms or not be able to course-correct if I know a little too far. Being able to wall-jump solves a few problems here, but once projectiles to kill you are added in, it becomes a huge detriment.

There is also the music which, while not bad, doesn’t quite fit the mood. Ink‘s soundtrack is that of soft calming music that would work well in a game more soothing than a tough platformer. Both the platforming and the bright bold colors of the ink splattering throughout the game scream for something more industrial or synth. Some beat to get you moving your head as you die repeatedly suits the game much better.

Ink is a perfect game to pick up and play for short bursts. The unique simplicity behind it mixed with the beautiful colors and challenging gameplay makes it a game worth playing. If you are in the market to find a good platformer to try out at a cheap price, pick up Ink next time it’s on sale.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2021
