Jedi: Survivor is the best Star Wars game to date: an vast improvement on Fallen Order, and an experience just as rich.

Cal's second adventures sees him fighting against the Empire with Saw Garrerra, seperated form Greez, Merrin and Cere. When a mission to capture intel from a senator's ship sees Cal facing an increasingly desperate fight against the Empire. This video game follows Cal's development into a mature, seasoned Jedi Knight.

Respawn have done such a good job of making this game feel so damn good. Starting with the original moves from Fallen Order, and including some new tools that help you traverse the world in different ways, creates a degree of momentum I felt Fallen Order was grasping at. Running from a wall, grappling to a zip wire, floating through the air -- this what being a Jedi in his prime is supposed to feel like. There are definitely still kinks in the way that Cal latches on surfaces when you're jumping between anything without a method to attach (like grapple, or the walls you can climb around), but hopefully they work this out in the future. There's also lots more customisation too, with plenty of new lightsaber looks, more than just poncho's for Cal and plenty of new ways to style BD-1. Respawn deserve every credit they get for not making all this DLC and charging you for it. All this together gives me the impression we've got a lot to look forward in the future of Star Wars video games.

The only thing that really grated me about this game - apart from the numerous performance issues on every platform (though Performance Mode on PS5 saved it for me) - was the RPG-esque inclusions. I like that Respawn are trying to create an expansive world - i definitely feel like I didn't even scratch the surface of the content in this game with the time I invested into this initial play through - but It did get a little overwhelming with the amount of different currencies for different extra items and you definitely started to feel the pull of not playing it like a typical RPG when your 5 stims aren't enough to defeat a side boss. Add on that some of the bosses in this gave have some seriously aggressive moves that aree difficult to avoid even on Jedi Knight difficulty, and it got quite frustrating at times. There was a point nearer the end that I switched to Story Mode difficulty, but equally felt underwhelmed by how incredibly different it was. Story Mode makes Cal overpowered, and he just mashes everyone in three slices which doesn't really live up the story.

I love this game as much as Fallen Order, and I definitely see myself revisiting.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
