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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 24, 2023

Platforms Played


baby's first hitman game - pretty fun pretty goofy! a gay ol time! the story is awful and the writing of female characters is atrocious lmao but it has some fun b-movie flair i guess. i was fairly impressed with the visuals too, the hazy xbox360-y 2012 video game aesthetic is, dare i say, almost becoming nostalgic and cute - and there's a lot of noticeable detail put into character models and level design.

more importantly the gameplay is really quick and fun and feels like a big moving puzzle that you have to improvise to solve and i found myself blasting through the whole game pretty quickly, it took me 9 hours without caring too much for collectibles or replaying levels. its compelling for sure, and maybe i'll check out world of assassination at some point when that's a bit cheaper - or maybe blood money! blood money is supposed to be a good one right?