Played as a part of Silver Case 2425 on Switch. This is my very first experience with a Suda51 game outside of the No More Heroes series (thanks to TSA and NMH3 for getting me into this game). I loved a lot about this visual novel. The writing style and presentation is absolutely fantastic. The opening chapter does sort of trick the player into thinking there will be more interaction than there really is, but I didn't mind that.

The game is split into two different perspectives. I love how the Protagonist story is presented in a more avant-garde style, while the Placebo side gives more context to what you experience as the Protagonist. The characters are all exceptional; in particular Kusabi, Tokio, Sumio, Erica, and the bartender. Everything here just makes The Silver Case one of the most unique VNs you could ever play.

I do wish there was just a tiny bit more interactivity in this. It could've used a few more puzzles or maybe a questioning mechanic (you are playing as a cop and an investigative journalist after all). But I don't have many complaints other than that. This was an absolutely crazy experience that has further solidified that I am now a Suda51 fanboy.

Kill the past.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2022
