Continuing my look into the "Kill The Past" series, I have finished what many consider to be Suda51's masterpiece: Killer7. This game was phenomenal. I truly have never played a game like it before.

To call it "arthouse" is a bit of an understatement. I loved how much of this game's story is left up to interpretation for the player. Every character is very interesting and pretty well voice acted as well. The story was told well enough to where I got the gist and a good look at some deeper elements on my own, but left enough to be research and discovered online as well.

Suda always knocks it out of the park with story, but the gameplay here was really engaging and fun as hell. Yes, the controls do take a bit to get used to in the beginning. But once you get a grasp of how to play, it becomes so damn fun. The shooting feels great (tho sometimes accuracy can be a bit troublesome), puzzles are fun to figure out and complete without being too obtuse, and there is a huge amount of enemy variety. I did feel that enemy placement could be a bit unfair at times (particularly after you exit certain Harman Rooms), but it didn't happen enough for me to be too annoyed.

This is a surreal masterpiece of video games. Suda51 outdid himself here in just about every way possible. This was another fantastic entry in his "Kill The Past" series that I am so happy I played.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2022
