There are games out there where it is very easy to tell people why its a masterpiece. People can watch video essays on why a game like, Silent Hill 2 for example, does an amazing job with its storytelling through environments and gameplay, and understand to a point where they never have to really play it themselves. Bloodborne, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. Bloodborne is a masterpiece that only those who have played it will truly understand why this game is a masterpiece of game design. It is hard to really describe why this is, but I will try my best.

Bloodborne, at its core, is another Souls-like game from From Software. The setting is completely different from any other Souls game, opting for a more Victorian-era setting with some heavy Lovecraftian inspiration. The player is thrusted into this world to be a hunter, seeking to kill the monsters that have plagued this cursed town.

But, as many FromSoft fans know, there is a lot more to the story and world than meets the eye at first. Through cutscenes, dialogue exchanges with NPCs, item descriptions, and boss encounters, the player learns more about how this place was created and what exactly they're really working towards.

While lore enthusiasts only make up a certain percentage of Souls players, most agree that the gameplay is what makes the Soulsborne games so damn good, and Bloodborne is no exception to that. The game broke free of the expectations that people had for Souls games. Instead of being more methodical in your approach to enemies, picking times to strike, block, and parry accordingly, Bloodborne elects to be more about crazy offense. There are no shields (well, effective ones anyway) to protect the player, so they must rely on dodging and parrying. Bloodborne even rewards those who goes on the offensive by letting players regain some lost health if they attack enemies at a certain time as their health drops. The combat in Bloodborne is absolute perfection. Everything is balanced by these simple mechanics to create combat that feels so satisfying.

The bosses in this game are also incredible. Yeah, theres some that are just okay or downright bad, but most of the bosses are absolutely fantastic, well designed, and memorable. The music is absolutely godlike as well. It goes from melancholic melodies to epic orchestral pieces, and they all slap.

The game is not perfect, however. Yes, its a 10/10 GOATed experience, but there are things that can be a little lackluster at times. For example, Arcane, the replacement for magic, is severely lacking here. There are a moderate amount of spells for players to use, but they are all pretty weak and aren't very effective against most bosses or fast enemies. The game also SEVERELY needs either a PS5 upgrade or a PC port, as the 30 FPS make this one of the more difficult Souls games to play because of its low native framerate. The game still looks gorgeous, but could use a big boost.

This is one of my favorite games of all time. The world and gameplay of Bloodborne fit together to make the perfect vibe and tone for this game. Everything about it makes me giddy with excitement. It's a true work of art, and a masterpiece game that I highly recommend everyone play at least once in their lives. No videos on YouTube could ever provide you with the memories and experiences that playing this game has to offer.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2022
