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Level design is stellar. The chase sequence were there's a wall of fire chasing you for you to outrun was exhilarating. Each new weapon obtained is mechanically unique and forces you to swap depending on the situation. I really like the double gear mechanics and how it forces you to strategize using either power or time and punishes you if you use it too much. Honestly, there's a lot to like here!
However, there is no difficulty option to make this game enjoyable for me. I started on Normal and tried Bounce Man. Jaw literally dropped when I died to the first sub-boss (froggy) and it placed me at the start of the level. Tried a few more times, got to the same boss repeatedly but always died and quickly Game Over'd. I'm no hero, I drop that difficulty down to Casual and tried Fuse Man and Block Man. Immediately better - more lives, I think enemies hit less hard, more checkpoints. But... The stagger when I get hit in platforming section that cause me to fall into bottomless pits, bosses are still pretty tough. I die at a final boss and have to start an entire level over... twice. Ended up never beating a level. Feels so punishing and disrespectful of my time. I'm on Newcomer now, but it's way too much of a breeze. Infinite lives, the robo bird catches me when I fall, enemies are easy to kill, health and ammo drops are abundant. My wish I could switch "Infinite Lives" on for Casual, I think that would be my ideal difficulty. Or even if Game Over only put you to the last sub boss?

Overall, lot of potential but just couldn't quite get into it.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2022
