So much to say about Unsighted. It's such a good blend of Zelda (dungeons with items specific solutions), souls-like (parrying, difficulty, leaving treasure where you die) and action RPG (upgrading multiple weapons, stat boosters). By a worse developer it would be a mess but it comes together so well and feels so good.

The time countdown mechanic really works well here. I wasn't sure I'd like it but it works great both narratively and mechanically and makes the entire experience feel unique. And the story and specifically the characters are great. I struggled more than expected figuring out who I should give the Meteor Dust because I ended up liking mostly everyone!

My only complaint is although the visuals were stellar for the most part, there were a few times legibility was an issue, especially early on. Like with vines on the side of a wall that I just didn't see so I couldn't figure out how to progress. Or depth of a jump being tricky. But I definitely got adjusted to it as I got further.

Really missed out playing this in 2021 because it definitely would be a GOTY contender.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2022
