They made wii play minigames out of Twilight Princess. This game just confuses me. Why use Twilight Princess to make a demo pack-in game for the Wii Zapper? Why does the Wii Zapper even need a pack-in game? The wii zapper is just a piece of plastic, this game is 100% playable without it. No particular features of the zapper are utilized in this outside of the pointer controls, but Wii Play already kinda existed to be a demonstration of the pointer controls.

The actual gameplay itself is just a bunch of rail-shootery light gun gamey missions that you do in a quick succession. The game really favors accuracy over speed as getting hit combos is the easiest way to get points by far, and missing one shot drops a combo. If you play cautiously and refine your run, getting platinum rankings on each of the stages is a cakewalk.

When I looked up the development of this game, thinking it was just a quick job to make a quick little pack in title for the wii zapper, I was even more confused with the development history of this game than I was with the actual game itself. Apparently this could have been a sequel to twilight princess, or some weird terminator-styled side story where they gave link a gun. Despite the empty-calorie feeling this game has in its own playtime, it's like an hour long to go through everything and the minigames still have a solid level of polish put into them so it doesn't feel like no care was put into it. Worth a shot off of curiosity alone, I'd say.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023
