Certainly a game of all time. On one hand, the camera and combat is kinda ass, the game pulls a mario maker and drip-feeds the character creator features through a weird RPG levelling system instead of having everything available from the start, getting new moves for your characters is kind of counter-intuitive and emphasizes not using the custom characters that are the main selling point of the game, and the english dub is so horrible that it completely nullifies some really decent writing and solid gags just from how bored everyone sounds (like bro this isn't even a funny bad bad dub its just a bad bad bad dub). On the other hand though, this game has a really intricate character creator that's simple to use to the point where it really does feel like you can make fully 3D characters as easily as just sketching them out so you can basically make any character to your hearts content in it AND you can unlock THE Reimu Hakurei as a secret character so really let's call it a draw. The game is a pretty standard platformer otherwise and if I had this as a kid i'd probably hella fuck with it and try collecting all the different pre-made dudes. If the game had a bit tighter combat and the voice performers actually gave a damn, this would be some certified kino. (apparently there is an undub so I would certainly recommend playing that over the base english version, I didn't know it existed until it was already too late)

Here are the characters that I made before Reimu basically made everyone else obsolete for the rest of the game

this was the first thing i made to figure out how the character creator worked, and of course im gonna make an amogus im creatively bankrupt. his stubby legs meant i couldn't use him for shit in combat so i basically gave him psychokinetic elemental powers for puzzle solving purposes and long-ranged combat (until reimu could do a 3-hit combo using all 3 elements)

This was the second character I made because I needed to make someone simple so I made the fucked up little triangle guy from that one meme. He was my movement guy as his tiny triangular size made him able to dodge enemy attacks and zip around the stage like a lil speedrunner. Eventually I needed a character that could fly to get the reimu card so I turned him into a one-winged angel. The music made him lose control.

Jashin was my first actual challenge to make but she surprisingly came out alright. There's no slithering option for movement so she just instead kind of bounces around but you know i'm cool with that. She was pretty useless at first because her punches did jack shit for damage so I rectified that by arming her and making her the combat character. At first, I just gave her a hastily-made pistol, but decided that wasn't fitting for her character and got rid of it. I gave her instead a battle axe (maybe she borrowed it from Yurine or something) for close range combat and a mega buster for long range combat.

I had to redo this mfer like 4 different times trying to get a correct hunched posture, making this guy took me an hour. I needed a character with wheels for the speed section of the game and asked my friend who would be the scariest cartoon character to see running at you at a million miles per hour. They said Robotnik from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog would be the scariest, and so it was written. His legs are actually wheels so they spin around and his mustache and asscheeks have jiggle physics. Due to technically being a vehicle, he's technically the only character that Reimu didn't immediately render obsolete. I never learned how to change his name to anything else so hes just TEST for the rest of eternity, truly a lab subject that shouldn't have escaped his confinement

my final character, the only one that isn't based off of some other character or whatnot. Originally he was going to be my combat character as I was like "what if i just make someone with really fucking long arms that just punches people from far away", but then it didn't work because he was slow as balls and I just got jashin to be the combat character anyways. Later on I needed a character with long legs to reach a specific point to get the flying ability early so I added some really fucking long legs to craig in order to get the job done. Completely deformed and experimental, craig is a being whose God has forsaken him. Behind that tiny smile is a pain greater than what anyone could know, and I stay in heaven because I fear what I hath created.

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2024

1 Comment

15 days ago

links seem to be broken