This game definitely defied my expectations in a great way. Considering both the fact that this is one of the last fixed-perspective tank-controlling capcom games left that i haven't played, plus the fact that the first dino crisis didn't really leave any real impact with me besides "resident evil but the zombies are dinosaurs and the worlds are rendered in-engine instead of pre-rendered", I was semi-skeptical about what I was gonna play. I also knew that reportedly the game leans more towards the action side of things rather than the survival horror side of things, not really unlike RE in its future, but I didn't expect it to be at the level of "killing enemies gives you EXTINCTION POINTS, which increase with kill combos" and "YOU START THE GAME WITH LIKE 100 BULLETS" when it comes to action. This game is about just being dumb and fun and I'm all for it. I think this game is best enjoyed if you have at least some prior experience with other games of its ilk, such as the first 3 resident evils or the first dino crisis, so you can really see how this subverts like every expectation of that genre. All in all, this game was hella better than I was ever expecting it to be and will deffo be remembered for time to come. it is a very exciting feeling to personally be the meteor that made the dinosaurs extinct

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
