Fun and wacky little game boy color romp. The quirk with this title is the fact that it has an accelerometer in the cartridge so you tilt the system around to roll kirby through the levels. It is cool, but the way the game is calibrated for the original game boy color means that it can really only be played on any system that points the cartridge up. This unfortunately means that you either get to play this with a screen you can barely see, controls that are completely backwards, or, how I played it, by tilting around an entire gamecube with the game boy player. This really isn't saying much considering the series, but this is probably the hardest game in the kirby series. The levels require some solid levels of precision, especially if you want to get all the collectables, and there are quite a lot of punishing choices in the level design. The game gets around it by completely showering you with extra lives so as not to constantly have players game overing, but it can definitely get frustrating at times, which isn't really common for the kirby series. Other than that, it's a solid little romp with a unique little gimmick to make it stand out from other games on the system. Give it a try if you can, but if you don't have the precise hardware to get it working, you aren't really missing out on anything groundbreaking.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
