You know, I got this game as a christmas present when i first got my GBA as a wee little lad, because i liked rescue heroes at the time since I was a child and liking random childrens media is what children do. I couldn't tell you what rescue heroes was actually about if you asked me today, though. Heroes that rescue people idfk. Anyways as a kid I had this game and liked it a lot but eventually gave it away as i got older because "its a baby game", despite kid me quite enjoying the game. I always put my childhood enjoyment of this game down as just me being a kid with a low sense of standards, because how could a rescue heroes licensed game actually be good, right? Well, surprisingly I gave it another go 15 years later and the game actually isn't half bad. The games made by wayforward and is a totally servicable exploratory action platformer where you gotta rescue all the guys and put out fires n whatnot. It's by no means a masterpiece, and I don't like the term "hidden gem", but maybe you should give this game a try if you are into fun lil sidescrollers or just games where you play as firefighters in general, there aren't too many of those out there.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023
