This game definitely has the best overall story out of the senran kagura series, with things taking a much more serious and dramatic turn with higher stakes than just the funny wacky ninja shenangians of the other titles, so if you want a game to prove to your friends that senran kagura isn't just the game about boobs this one would be your best candidate. The plot is definitely this games most memorable aspect. However, what I can't really say is so great about this game is the actual gameplay. It tries to be a sort of mixture of the straight-up 2D beat-em-up style of the first game on 3DS and the more musou-leaning 3D beat-em-up style of the vita games and just ends up being a 2D beat-em-up with a lot of inwards depth. It works decently enough on 3DS where you can see that depth with the 3D slider, but the combat is just absolutely braindead in this game. You can very easily exploit almost any enemy encounter by stun-locking them through consecutive downwards jump attacks, which is kinda lame. Can't really give this one a rec since the gameplay is toast, but if you already played the other senran kagura games this one is worth playing for the story.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023
