Taiko is always a good time, and this one is no different. The default songlist is decent enough, the DLC tracks are also pretty good. This one has a pretty big story mode with like team building and monster collecting. The DLC chapters (which are exclusive to the 3DS version) are very cool and all call back to previous taiko games, which was really fun for me as a longtime series fan. Having a team composed of alumi, princess soprano, arashi, and ponko felt completely wild. The DLC chapters were also full of really difficult songs and boss fights (awesome), but also gives really overpowered characters that made me grossly overlevelled and made the rest of the main game a cakewalk (not awesome). All in all, its taiko. Would suggest playing the 3DS version over the switch rerelease due to the extra content in that version they didn't bother porting over, but if you can't read japanese or don't have a 3DS then the switch version is also decent i guess.

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2023
