Didn't expect to beat 2 twinbee games in one night but hey some days it be like that, plus this game is generous enough to give infinite continues so yea. Doesn't mean this game was a breeze to clear even with said infinite continues, this game still brings in the heat especially at level 6. This is one of those shmups where the best place to be is in the dead center of the screen rather than the bottom/left side of the screen. Enemies come in quickly from all 4 screen edges so straying too far from the middle is an easy way to die. Speed powerups are also vital in this game as enemies move quickly and can kill easily if you are too slow. This game even supports THREE player co-op over the first games 2 so that's something. There are also horizontally scrolling levels which makes this game feel more like Salamander than twinbee. The bosses are also a bit on the easy side, really serving more as speed checks over real tests of skill cuz moving quickly pretty much makes most bosses a cakewalk. besides all of that, it's still the same twinbee gameplay we all know and love. This is certainly the only game series where I can say something like "ah, going above the TVs puts me in a disadvantageous position, I should shoot from below" and genuinely mean it.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2023
