It do be a UE5 tech demo. Will def admit things look incredibly photorealistic all throughout, and the setpieces in the car chase definitely looked expensive to make. I do wonder how many games going forward are actually going to look like this, or really if they should. The freeroam section did let me admire the whole city from various different angles and distances and the attention to detail is great. The city was also more spacious than I expected so driving around was fun too (though I won't give this game any awards in the driving physics or stable framerate department when doing so).

Despite the fancy expensive setpieces, the photorealistic graphics, and all the other fancy features that the game claims to have, I still have a hard time discerning this current generation with the previous one. As someone who hasn't seen the matrix and doesn't play much big-budget modern AAA games, you could probably have told me I was playing some watch dogs thing on PS4 or something and I would believe you. We've long since hit the point of diminishing returns on game visuals, and I hope games don't take more time and money to make as they chase for visual enhancements I won't really even notice.

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2023
