Absolutely insane that I took so long to actually get through the Crazy Box in this game since I've had this game for as long as I've had a dreamcast itself, and I've played the arcade mode both at home and on the real machine an innumerable amount of times by now. Needless to say, this game is a banger. Though it's certainly a bit of an anomaly in the driving game genre as nothing before or after really controls exactly like this game. There's a lot of hidden techniques that the game either doesn't or barely explains and mastering those techniques is KEY to actually being half decent at this game. It doesn't really help that the timing for shifting gears and hitting the gas to do the various techniques is strict and the game doesn't really give you a lot of feedback on whether or not you are even doing it right in the first place. The Crazy Box really could just be considered a set of tutorial challenges as each challenge is designed around learning and mastering said tech. Considering the game doesn't do a good job explaining how to actually master its rather unconventional control scheme, it's no wonder that the crazy box has a bit of an infamous reputation as being impossibly difficult... But once you get the hang of it the third eye opens and this game REALLY gets crazy.

What's cool is even despite the weird control scheme this game is still a blast to play even if you have no idea how to do a crazy dash or crazy drift, there's just something inherently fun about barreling through a city with no regard to any traffic laws getting your passengers from point A to B as quickly as possible, and the colorful visuals and legendary licensed OST make it a game that I have rather consistently come back to for well over the past 10 years. It's fun, it's deep, it's pretty much the hallmark of a fantastic arcade game.

play any version of the game with the actual licensed music or don't bother at all.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2023
