While I think the 3DS version of skylanders spyros adventure is arguably better than the console version due to it being a more traditional 3D platformer action game instead of the weird diablo-like button masher that is the console versions, I cannot say the same thing about the sequel. Skylanders giants on 3DS has a massive framerate issue. The game constantly chugs, making a lot of it hard to actually play. Maybe if you play this on a modded New 3DS with the overclocking on the game might be playable then, but you really shouldn't have to resort to hacks to play a video game with a stable framerate, yanno? All in all, don't get this, get the console version instead. Punch pop fizz is a cool exclusive character tho, gotta give credit where credit is due I bought the game hella after the fact on super clearance just to get the funny guy. As both a portable version of the main game and as a sequel to the previous 3DS game, this game sucks.

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2023
