Multiple game breaking bugs. (70 dollars on release)
168 GB updates.
Pay to win, I mean seriously, I've played 100+ MyCareer games and my overall is still a 74 because I refuse to spend more money than the price of admission.
Bloated at 172 GB, bc 2K would rather sell eyes to advertisers vis a vis the city rather than selling video games to gamers.
Thankfully the story and quests are less intrusive, though the GOAT stuff is really tiring.

A feast for the senses wrapped in Rockstar's long outdated game design. There are two very close to perfect games in RDD2, an open world and a linear one. I love the visuals, the mechanics, the plot, the writing, and the acting, but Rockstar's inability to reckon with the paradox that is their game formula leaves a slightly bad taste in the mouth. Also; the epilogue is sort of boring. A fundamentally flawed masterpiece.

I bought Destiny 1 and all the DLC and flew through it. As a ten-year-old there were very few things more exhilarating than feeling like you were getting away with something, that's exactly how I felt playing the original Destiny. My mom would have never let me play a game where I killed people, especially not one rated M; but in Destiny you killed aliens, and it was rated T. The summer after I bought and played through the collection (I played it 3 or 4 times with different characters). I started hearing buzz online about it's sequel. This excited me to no end. A bigger and better sequel to my favorite game??? When the Beta released I was ecstatic, and I still remember playing through that level for the first time, and watching all my favorite youtubers do the same thing. When the game finally released I bought it on the opening day. Destiny was all I could think about. I later went on to buy the DLC, (all of it). I can't really speak on the F2P aspect of the game, because when I played it, it wasn't.

This the first game that I played as a kid that I would describe as being "serious" and by serious I mean not a Lego game or Minecraft. Ironically, I first became infatuated with Destiny watching a Minecraft youtuber play it (Tobuscus). I remember how when getting birthday money my first request was to go spend it at Gamestop. I only have positive memories of playing Destiny as a kid, especially the rise of iron DLC. (I never played crucible because I couldn't convince my parents to buy xbox live). I spent over 1000 hours playing this game and formed some of my most formative gaming memories playing it, and I wouldn't have it any other way.