Pros: Late 90s wrestling games were everywhere, and advertised a ton to kids in gaming magazines and such, so it was tough to avoid. And of all the wrestling video games, this one stood above the rest of the pack. WWF No Mercy was filled to the brim with customization and player choice, where you could set the rules any way you liked. Referee mode was a favorite, as was the character creation mode, pretty extensive for its day. But so much fun trying to pull off moves, jumpin out of the ring, grabbing weapons and blunt objects to whack the other wrestlers with. And of course, this is N64, you got four player support, and what a great time this was if you were a wrestling fan of that era.

Cons: And I'm not even a wrestling fan! So I guess I can't speak so much on the accuracy to the sport, but in terms of cons, the collision detection wasn't always the best, and I recall the feeling of "what the fuck am I doing" happening quite frequently, being stuck in a chokehold, or holding someone else in one, trying to figure out how to pull off a specific move while looking like a buffoon in the process. It's a bit jank, but hey, it's the 90s! Still a fun time.

What it means to me: Yeah, not a wrestling fan, so this is pretty special to make it to the list. Played this a ton with my brothers and step bros, it was just a good time, whether you were into wrestling or not. And it was just so darn silly! Making up rules, creating characters, it didn't take itself seriously at all, and it let us have fun!

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2023
