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Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 13, 2021

First played

June 6, 2021

Platforms Played

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Entering into the PS2 era of DDR entries, DDRMAX (US Version) is a fine enough entry to begin with despite being lackluster in content. The base song list is okay for the most part, but it is remarkably small compared to later entries. The unlockable songs help build it up, but you do end up repeating the whole list multiple times to get the good stuff. There is the Oni Challenge mode, but you only get 3 easy courses while the rest is gated until you unlock almost every song in the game. That's mostly all the game has to offer because by the 10th hour, you are pretty much exhausted by the monotony. This is exacerbated with a track list that has too many slow songs and little challenging step charts that aren't MAX 300 and CANDY. Konami does the bare minimum here as DDR enters the PS2 era. The only reason to pick it up nowadays is for nostalgia or if you really like the song selection here (which most doesn't return on later console entries)