This is the game I was least familiar with in terms of the Silent Hill franchise. I knew the general story and have seen the analysis videos, but I would struggle to remember much of the game itself until playing it recently. Silent Hill 3 feels like the darkest of the franchise in terms of environments. You're running through run-down buildings, rusty amusement parks, slimy trap rooms, and claustrophobic streets. Even when the environments aren't in the possessed realms, the grime still feels palpable. It's a much different pace from SH1 and 2 in that regard. Enemies are more plentiful here than usual, and with limited ammo it's the one game where I had to actually conserve my ammo rather than clearing the room of demonic entities. While the plot twist has been ruined for me, I can still recognize how shocking that may have been. In terms of Heather, I very much enjoy the change of pace from a male protagonist. Heather's "girl boss" attitude gives appropriate relief from the horror and has given us plentiful memes as well. With all that praise out of the way, I don't consider SH3 to be my favorite in comparison to the first two games. Even so, it's only in terms of nitpicking at a critical light because it's still an incredible game otherwise.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2022
