Holy fuck mom this game is awesome! I probably don't have anything nuanced nor new to say about this game that hasn't been praised to death. The voice-acting and dialogue is good enough to never skip. The way the story and gameplay intertwine as you improve at every playthrough is genius and rewarding. You get a deep and emotional attachment to every character, as they feel like real people despite the mythical setting. This is also the first and maybe last game that will ever get me this invested in Greek mythology. The possibility of romance and polyamory along with the implications make my gay heart sing. Even after the post-game, when it feels like you've exhausted every aspect of the game, you will somehow run into new dialogue which is impressive. I haven't even said anything about the gameplay, which let's be honest, may be the pinnacle of rouge-likes. I'll keep it short to here, because when a game has you gushing this much, you know you've found a masterpiece.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2022
