I can't understand why I've seen some people in the past saying that "Lies of P is the best souls like not made by Miyazaki"... It's better than some of Miyazaki's work, as well, in my honest opinion.

Very punishing and challenging game but very charming and engaging, too. Interesting, charming characters, a good story that is quite frankly better told than in any Miyazaki game, interesting game world and lore.

I sincerely had a better time playing this than Dark Souls 3. DS3 had many incredible bosses, some of the best of the series, but the game world and playing areas felt underwhelming to me, as well as the general level design. Lies of P feels like a real, interconnected world with many satisfying shortcuts that are very reminiscent of the design of the early game of Dark Souls 1. The bosses in Lies of P are also phenomenal for the most part, even most of the mini bosses are very, very good.

Another aspect of Dark Souls 3 that was very underwhelming to me was the exploration, as I found many of the enemies had way too many flurry attacks and, using a light weapon throughout my entire first playthrough, I could never stagger them due to the low hyper armor damage of my weapon which sucked too. In Lies of P exploration and general enemy engagements are rarely as much of a pain in the ass as in Dark Souls 3, in my opinion.

The systems in this game are also very interesting and allow for a lot of different play styles. I won't go into detail here but suffice to say there are a lot of different tools that you can take advantage of, or completely ignore, allowing for multiple play styles and player creativity to manifest itself.

Having not yet played Elden Ring, if I had to rank this game among From Software's, I would rank things like this:
S: Sekiro > Bloodborne > Lies of P
A: Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3
B: Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls
(Note that even the lowest game in the ranking is still super good, I love the original Demon's Souls atmosphere to death, that by itself makes the game excellent tbh. And I had a much better time playing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2 than Dark Souls 3, but I recognize that in objective terms DS3 is a better game than both.)

The side quests in this game are both a point of notable success and one of my biggest complaints. The side quests themselves are very interesting and well done, and the game does a fantastic job of telling you when there is important dialogue or quests and in which area.

But not always. Some quests you have to find for yourself and I did get kind of confused sometimes, or had to look something up because I missed something obvious (the last door of the Riddler guy, for instance). So while it is a great point of improvement over the extremely obtuse quests in the souls games, I think it could still be improved. There are a lot of quests in this game and it can be easy to overlook an item missed or a place forgotten/ignored.

In closing, suffices to say that I am very impressed by what this game delivered and to know that this was done by what is basically a double A studio is seriously incredible. This game rivals the best in its genre and over delivered on my expectations, was a pure joy to play.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024

1 Comment

19 days ago

so valid, my save corrupted in the last act of the game wish i got to finish this masterpiece :(