I love postal 2, I'd say it's one of my favorite games of all time even. When I got Paradise Lost on sale for $0.99 I was excited because I recently finished Postal 2 and I watched the Pro Postal series made by Civvie 11 on Paradise Lost and I went in with high expectations.

now my actual thoughts on this is it's just alright. I didn't really have as much fun with it as Postal 2 and honestly it just feels kind of shitty to play. I like postal 2 for its mundane plot with batshit insane situations that go on, but with PL, RWS probably got such an ego boost from the overwhelmingly positive reception that they got the idea "people love our shit, we're the shit we must be geniuses when it comes to story-writing and jokes since postal 2 is being praised for it" or something like that. I just think everyone who worked on PL thought that they could make anything and it would be good. I may be completely wrong but that's the idea I get from playing this.

As I previously said this feels shitty to play, navigating the map feels harder and more of a chore with some roads being blocked off and needing to go underground adding just a few seconds of travel was just unnecessary and there's just too much shit in my opinion.

The objectives are also fucking atrocious, it’s been a while since i finished PL but i just remember not liking most of the tasks very much

I also think the game looks worse. I don't know why but the textures just look uglier in my opinion. I don't have much to add on that other than i dont like the way some things look

Also rick hunters voice for the dude is off putting because its not as deep as it was in Postal 1 or 2 and it just isn’t the same i don't know uhh anyways Paradise lost kinda sucks in my opinion