Brotato 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 23, 2023

Platforms Played


brotato is easy to dismiss as another vampire survivors clone and you'd be partially correct. if you dont like the vampire survivors dodge-and-weave-auto-attacking playstyle, there isn't much brotato can do to convince you to change your mind and you're better off just saving your money.

with that being said, if you played vampire survivors and liked it but found it was too simple or too same-y with not enough challenge or variety, brotato is perfect for you. there are SO many weapons, characters, and intricacies to the stats systems and weapon systems that are simple enough for someone new, but can be min-maxed enough if you want to really try-hard. this game is very much a roguelike in the way it presents its shops, upgrades, and gentle power-scaling, but is also very reminiscent of teamfight tactics with the way it handles weapon progression. you merge commons to form epics, epics to form rares, and so on and so forth, with bonuses if you stay within the same class of weapons.

i want to say more but i feel like i need to play it for longer to really have a solid opinion worth listening to. the game is only five dollars and the devs deserve every penny. if you're remotely interested you should definitely go for it. this is a tentative early rating but i really do think it will change in the future (hopefully more positively).

bonus points btw for having so much accessibility options. granted the game is simple but having a mouse-only way to play is cool. ever since my friend on twitter has dealt with a wrist injury, i've come to note just how many things are impossible to play for anyone who is disabled. its impossible as a small team to cater to everything possible, but it's nice to see some attempts be made. i've found myself making more notes on games' accessibility features even if i wouldn't ever recommend it to my friend just because now its something i'm more aware of. it's astounding how many games are not as accommodating as they could be, so it's nice to see some options here.